Verse: Psalm 18:6
In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.
As we begin our 40 days of prayer as a church, I thought it would be good to start off with a verse that properly places our expectations of prayer. There's a lot to say about prayer, and we'll be talking a lot about it these next few weeks, but to kick it off what we need to know is simple: God hears our prayers.
This is something you can know deep in your soul. When you pray, God hears you. God is near to you in your prayer. He loves to hear your prayers. He draws near to you in prayer. He does not ignore you. He is not too busy. You are not too unimportant. Your needs are not too small. Your prayers are not too inexperienced. Your sins are not too big. The distance is not too great.
Whatever excuses we can come up with to convince ourselves that God doesn't hear our prayers, we can immediately push them aside and know, beyond all doubt, that God hears you.
So let's start with that simple truth. As we pray, we can know: God hears us.
Author: Christian Dunn