Eyewitness Testimony

Written on 01/25/2024
Christian Dunn

Verse: 1 John 1:1-2

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our own eyes, which we have gazed upon and touched with our own hands—this is the Word of life. And this is the life that was revealed; we have seen it and testified to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us.

Now, if our faith is substance, if it is evidence, if it is “proof of things not seen;” then, where does such proof and evidence come from? Very often evidence and proof originate from eyewitness testimony. Testimony is evidence and proof in a legal case, and it’s hard to conceive of a jury trial where there is no eyewitness testimony to establish the facts. 

What makes eyewitness testimony reliable evidence? Naturally, the first requirement is personal, or first-hand, knowledge.  Black’s law dictionary defines this as: “[k]nowledge gained through firsthand observation or experience, as distinguished from a belief based on what someone else has said.” The jury has the best opportunity to get the truth from someone with firsthand knowledge—an eyewitness describing what she has seen and heard. The jury can evaluate whether the witness sidesteps questions, whether she makes eye contact, if her account adds up. Whereas, if a witness only tells the jury what someone else has said (hearsay), the jury can’t evaluate how that other person actually presented the statement—if they appeared to be straightforward and telling the truth. A witness telling his own experience is much easier for the jury to evaluate. It is more reliable evidence than hearsay.

Presumably, you and I have believed John’s eyewitness testimony about “the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to [them].” We believed their evidence (as well as the historical record). But, we have even more direct evidence. The Spirit Himself has testified to us that we are children of God  We cannot believe that Jesus is Lord without the Spirit enabling us.

In this day and age, we are now the Christian eyewitnesses giving reliable testimony about what we have seen and heard, and about the proof that is our faith. What have I witnessed? What have you witnessed? What have we seen in our own lives? Where have we presented this evidence? We cannot convince anyone of anything. We can only testify. We can open the pages of the “Book” and explain its meaning to us, how it changed us, and the “jury” of our peers will decide if we are believable witnesses. 

Lord make me your instrument to witness about Your work TODAY, that You are alive and active in my life TODAY. I am your witness.