Unfinished Projects

Written on 09/13/2023
Christian Dunn

Verse: Philippians 1:6

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

I have a couple unfinished projects in my life right now. For example, I'm trying to replace the sink in my laundry room. I got it all apart and then went to Home Depot and realized the faucets there were too expensive for a laundry room, so we had to shop on Facebook Marketplace. That delayed stuff. Now I have a faucet, but I don't have the time to fix it. Have to wait till the weekend. So its all just sitting there taken apart. 

Do you ever do this in life? Do you have projects that sit unfinished? Maybe a homework assignment that you started early to "get ahead" but now you are procrastinating? Or something at work that you keep putting off?

Here's the great thing about God working in your life: he's not going to let the work go unfinished. He is definitely working in your life right now, and the promise of God is that he will finish the work. He is not going to get distracted, or too busy, or bored with working in you. You can trust that the one started the work in your life, will indeed continue the work until he finishes it.

So today if you are feeling a little frustrated with the progress in your spiritual life, take heart. Be encouraged. God is still working. Sometimes you can't see what he's doing, but he is working in you. And the God who started the work is faithful to finish it. That's a truth you can rest assured in.