Plug In To Power

Written on 05/30/2023
Christian Dunn

Verse: Acts 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses to Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts is an amazing book that documents Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the spread of the gospel out from Jerusalem. The writer is believed to have been Luke, a doctor who spent time with the disciples and with Paul, who wanted to document the events of Jesus. This verse today is seen as the overarching theme of the book of Acts.

Jesus tells his disciples in Acts 1:4-5 to stay put in Jerusalem and wait for the baptizing of the Holy Spirit. Then He tells them in this verse that they will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes on them. And with that power they will be able to be witnesses of Jesus starting locally and then going out to all the earth. So Jesus is saying in effect, don’t go without the power of the Holy Spirit.

The same can be said to us today. I picked up my phone off the charger this morning and it didn’t turn on. It didn’t charge overnight.  I couldn’t use my phone to call or text or check the weather because it had no power! It had to be connected to a power source. So do we.

Will you be with friends or family today, some who might wonder about your faith? Are you wrestling with an important decision? First, invite the Holy Spirit into your activities today. Be immersed (baptized) in Him soaking in His power. The Holy Spirit can give you wisdom and knowledge and faith (1 Co 12:7-11). The Holy Spirit helped the disciples do amazing things and to withstand terrible persecution. He can help you today with the problems you have. Who doesn’t want God’s wisdom and direction and power in their lives? I know that I do. Let’s invite Him in today. Let’s pray together.