Standing With God

Written on 04/14/2023
Christian Dunn

Verse: Psalm 62:1

Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Sometimes the simplest Bible verse is just what I need. I find myself, over the years, coming back to this one again and again. In fact, I'm positive I've written devotionals with this verse multiple times already. But it's so good. Maybe today you need to hear this.

I think we can read this passage slowly. One sentence at at time. And let it speak to us, wherever we find ourselves today.

Truly my soul finds rest in God: Turn to him and allow him to be your place of rest. As I sit here this morning getting ready to tackle my daily to do list, I have plenty to feel "unrestful" about. But truly my soul will find rest in God. (Some translations say, "in God alone!") In his presence there is nothing to prove, no need to facades, no need to appear strong or to have it all together. We can just come, as we are, and find rest.

My salvation comes from Him: nowhere else. Period. I won't find what I am longing for anywhere else. Nothing else with satisfy. Not other people liking me, or other people telling me I've done a good job, or a bonus at work. Nothing else will truly satisfy my deepest desire outside of God.

Truly he is my rock and my salvation: I love the image of God as my rock. When life feels like it is being blown by the wind, I can root myself in Him and His word. He is never changing. He is secure. He is TRUE.

He is my fortress, I will never be shaken: Amen to that! I can stand in confidence as I go into this day that I will not be shaken! Things will come that will threaten to shake me, to shake my confidence, to shake my faith, to shake my peace. But as I strive to stay connected to Jesus, to find my rest in him regardless of what is happening around me, to keep my feet securely planted on him, I will not be shaken!

I hope this short meditation of this passage is an encouragement to you today!