He Hears Your Prayers

Written on 04/11/2023
Christian Dunn

Verse: Psalm 31:1-5

In you, Lord, I have taken refuge;
let me never be put to shame;
deliver me in your righteousness.
2 Turn your ear to me,
come quickly to my rescue;
be my rock of refuge,
a strong fortress to save me.
3 Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
4 Keep me free from the trap that is set for me,
for you are my refuge.
5 Into your hands I commit my spirit;
deliver me, Lord, my faithful God.

I find Psalms like this comforting. Written thousands of years ago, they still do an amazing job of articulating our hearts' cry to God in times of need. And they show us something of who God is. 

As we read through this, you and and I can be encouraged to pray in a similar way. We can ask for God to be our refuge. He is our protection. He guards our hearts and minds. He strengthens us when we are down and beat up.

We can pray for him to come quickly to our rescue. He is our deliverer. He will meet us in our times of struggle and provide a way out. Often he will even work in our circumstances in ways we could never predict to make things work out for our good.

We can ask for God to lead us guide us. He is our Lord. He is the path we can walk on. We know that Jesus said, he is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). We can call out to him for guidance, for wisdom, and for understanding. He can lead us to Truth. He can give us ideas for handling hard circumstances. He can give us wisdom to know how to deal with difficult people and difficult situations. 

This prayer is echoed in our hearts. Today let this Psalm be a reminder to you of who God is in your life, and an encouragement to you that you have access to a loving God who wants to lead you and protect you.