Verse: Psalm 86:11-13
Teach me your way, Lord,
that I may rely on your faithfulness;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.
For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths,
from the realm of the dead.
I find the Psalms to be super relatable. That's one of the reasons I love to read them devotionally. They help me draw closer to Jesus. As I read this today, three things stuck out to me that I want to share: two prayers and a foundational truth.
First we can pray with the author, "teach me your way, Lord." What a beautiful and honest prayer. I want to know the way of Jesus, don't you? How often do I pray for God to teach me his way? Teach me how to love, God! Teach me how to discern your will. Teach me how to be an encouragement to others. Teach me how to stand up for truth. Teach me how to care deeply for those who are hurting in this world. What a powerful prayer.
Second we also can pray that he would give us an undivided heart. Oh man. This is one of those prayers. Dangerous to pray, but life changing. Teach me your way God—and then give me a heart that isn't conflicted about following your way! Give me a heart that seeks "first the Kingdom of God" (Matthew 6:33). Give me a heart that isn't distracted by longing after the things of this world.
And third, both of these prayers are rooted in the deep knowledge of this statement: "For great is your love toward me." Amen! Great is your love toward me God! You are good and your love endures forever! Your love reaches to the heavens! You are abounding in love! These are the truths we read in Psalms about his love for us, and this was written by people who hadn't had the chance to hear of Jesus! Imagine that. How much more can we rejoice in the deep knowing that God loves us fully and completely. We can ask for him to teach us his way and to give us an undivided heart to follow him because we know he loves us. GREAT is his love towards YOU!