Your Gifts?

Written on 06/14/2022
Christian Dunn

Verse: Acts 6:2-4

So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. 3 Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.”

I coach soccer a lot, and on this one team I'm coaching I have several girls who want to play striker. The formation we play allows for only one striker though. So it's a problem. Imagine if I just let every kid play striker who wanted to. We'd have 7 strikers on the field. That would leave 3 people for the rest of the 10 positions including goalie. How would that team do? You'd have 7 girls waiting up at half for their "defense" to pass them the ball, while we just got scored on over and over again.

This passage is similar, but it's about spiritual gifting and calling within the church. The apostles recognize the importance of everyone doing their part, and they recognize that we all have different gifts from God.

So that's the question today. What gifts do you have from God? Are you called to administrate and organize? Are you called to preach? Are you called to serve in the background? Are you called to be on stage? Are you called to work in missions? Are you called to lead a small group? Are you called to help others lead small groups? Are you called to sing? Are you called to pray for people? 

There are so many roles and gifts in the church. My challenge to you this morning is this: are you serving in the church with your gifts, or are you sitting on the sidelines? My prayer for you is that you realize how important you are to the Kingdom of God, and to your local church. You are a vital part of the body of Christ. We need you!! So what's holding you back from  serving with your gifts?

Jesus, I pray that you would give me courage to serve in the church with the gifts you've given me.