How Great is Our God

Written on 06/15/2021
Christian Dunn

Verse: Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Today we are starting a month of devotions from the book of Proverbs. It is fitting that the first one talks about the beginning of knowledge, and the source of all wisdom and understanding.

So much of this book is centered around whether or not we have a "teachable spirit." Are we humble enough to hear, and heed, the lessons of wisdom? Are we willing to hear from God and others, truth that stretches us and challenges us to grow?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning because it does three things: (1) It recognizes that all truth, wisdom, and knowledge originates with God. It gives God his proper place above all things. (2) It recognizes that God is the source of all truth as well. As we learn, and discover, and understand—we are seeing more and more of God's hand. (3) And lastly, it puts us in our proper place. It recognizes our humble standing before God, and wisdom, and Truth—and positions us to be lifelong learners from the hand and mouth of God.

I like how the message restates this verse:

"Start with God—the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning."

It all starts with letting God be God in our lives. There is a sweet humility to wisdom. As you start your day today, reflect on humility. Think about God's greatness, the vastness of his knowledge, and the immeasurability of his wisdom. Take time to meditate on how great and wonderful his understanding is. And allow that place to be the beginning of seeking wisdom in your life.

God I pray that you'd reveal your greatness to me. I pray you would teach my heart the lessons of humility.