We Too Are Fishers of Men

Written on 05/24/2024
Christian Dunn

Verse: Matt 4:18-19
As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19 ”Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “And I will make you fishers of men.”

These two verses seem very straightforward but there is a lot we can learn from diving into them. From the other gospels, we know that this was not the first time Jesus had encountered Simon (Peter) and Andrew. But on this occasion, he decided to call them to become his disciples. Note that they were working at their jobs. They were fishermen and they were out in the Sea of Galilee casting a net. God often calls people that are busy doing something. Fishermen usually made a good living and now Jesus is calling them to leave their livelihood.

Let’s look at the words Jesus uses and think about them for our lives. First Jesus says “Come”. He makes an invitation. It is our decision to go with him. He is calling you and I today to come with him. Do we hear his call? Just as Simon and Andrew were doing something important to them, we are also living our daily lives. Jesus then says “follow me”. To follow him means to leave something behind. Some part of our current life has to be left as we turn to follow him. Are we willing to leave behind things that were important to us but now does not fit into our walk with Jesus? The disciples were willing to leave everything for the opportunity to be with Jesus.

Then Jesus says “I will make you fishers of men.” Consider the first few words. He is not saying to come and then you have to figure out what I want you to do. He “will make you” what he wants you to become. That is his invitation to us today also. He will help you grow into his purpose for you by giving you his word in the Bible and through talking to him in prayer. He will shape you as you follow him.
We are all being called by Jesus to follow him, to grow with his leading, and to become fishers of men and women.

We have a part to play in bringing people to him. We are to love our neighbors and to be ready to tell them about the source of our love and our hope for the future. Ask God today (and every day) to open your eyes to those around you to see how you can be part of what he is doing in the world. Say yes, today, to his invitation to come and follow him.

Dear Lord, help us to hear these scriptures as a call to follow you today. Help us to put behind us those things that don’t align with your will for us. Grow us to become the people that advance your kingdom, one person at a time. Thank you for your love and grace for us.

Guest Author: Brad Dunn