If You Are

Written on 05/22/2024
Christian Dunn

Verse: Matthew 4:5-7

5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:“‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” 7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

The part that sticks out to me here is Satan's jab, "If you are the Son of God." He's questioning God's Word just as he did with Adam and Eve ("did God really say?"). He's casting doubt on what Jesus knows to be true. Just before this, what has God said? "This is my Son, whom I love" (3:17). And Jesus doesn't take the the bait. Jesus knows that you don't have to prove what God has already approved. He trusts in God's Word. And moreover, he knows who he is in God. His identity in God is secure, no matter what questions Satan asks or doubt he tries to cast.

In what ways is the enemy still doing this to us today I wonder?

  • If you are really forgiven by God...
  • If you are as passionate about God as you say you are...
  • If you are gifted in this area...
  • If you are loved by God...
  • If you are called by God to do this...
  • If they are really your friends...
  • If people really knew you...

Satan loves to cast doubt, to plant seeds of insecurity, to try to place cracks in our foundations. He is subtle, strategic, and smart in the questions he asks. The questions he asks are never about what they seem to be about. He wants to distract us from doing what God wants us to do, and discourage us from being who God wants us to be.

Here's an example: "If you really believe in Jesus, then why do you still struggle with sin so often?" He may even quote a verse similar to how he used Scripture against Jesus. That thought seeks to break your confidence in your salvation and cause you to feel like you have to prove yourself. But our salvation depends on God, not on us! We don't have to prove what God has already approved! 

So here's my takeaway: are you listening to the doubts that Satan likes to plants in our hearts? Doubts about God's goodness and love, doubts about who God has made you to be, doubts about his call on your life? Recognize those for what they are and stand on the truth of what God has said about you, just like Jesus did.