Why Not Pray?

Written on 03/13/2023
Christian Dunn

Verse: Matthew 7:7-8

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

I found myself in a situation that caused me some emotional upset recently. It immediately occurred to me, that if I had been more faithful to pray about the situation in the long run, maybe the outcome would have been different. I’m not blaming myself for another person’s choices, but I am saying, simply, that prayer changes things. It’s not something that I can claim to fully understand. But I have seen the evidence of it.

Why, then, would I hesitate to ask the Lord for his help? Or his favor, his blessing, his will, or anything? It seems to me that this is something that is well worth my effort. I think too, that these verses infer a certain amount of persistence. The idea of “seeking” does not suggest a cursory glance, but rather, a methodical, dedicated, thorough searching. Along with that, I believe that the knocking and the asking are not just quick token actions, but a consistent effort. An effort that will pay off.

I’m prone to being lazy and wasting my time on meaningless distractions. What if I were to take a fraction of that wasted time and redirect it to seeking, asking, and knocking? To prayer, and to reading Gods word. To seeking counsel from wiser people, and asking for prayer? I am going to try to make my free time count for more. I might still fall asleep, but I bet some of the time I won’t. If this could encourage one person to do the same, I‘d count it as a win.